Artist Information

Terry Crider

United States

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Terry Crider is a contemporary American artist who works primarily with glass. Born in Ohio, Crider followed a chemistry trajectory and is primarily self-taught in the ways of glassblowing. Terry used his background to create his own special method for iridization, making the Crider glass pieces particularly unique.
In February of 1977, Terry and Donna Crider started their own glass business with no employees but themselves. They built their two furnaces in 1975, and began selling their first works at flea markets in 1976. It was after successes there that they decided to go into the art glass business full-time. Terry’s primary interest, and what the Criders quickly became known for, was paperweights. Terry would create the glass pieces, and Donna would prepare the colors for each unique piece. The Criders developed methods for both “Tiffany” style glass and crystal glass to create their pieces.
Because the Criders work in their own studio, Terry works at his own schedule and pace, only crafting when he finds true inspiration. It is due to this fact that Crider pieces can be rare and difficult to find, as Terry may go long periods of time without creating any glass pieces. However, it is due to this very fact that the Crider works are each so unique and sought after in the world of art glass. Terry Crider is still active, but continues to work sporadically, waiting for inspiration to strike.

Madison Duran ‘20
March 2019


“Crider Art Glass.” Contemporary Carnival Glass Web Site,
“Terry Crider.” The Field Guide to Carnival Glass, 10 Dec. 2018,
“The Artist.” Crider Contemporary Marbles,