Artist Information

Suezan Aikins

Nova Scotia
b. b. 1952
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Suezan Aikins was born in 1952 in Montreal, Canada. Aikins studied at Mount Allison University, the Ontario College of Art, and L’Écol du Musee des Beaux Arts before going on to earn her BFA at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Both Aikins and her husband, Sam Rogers, spent a year studying Japanese woodblock technique under Tōshi Yoshida at the Yoshida Woodblock Print Studio in Tokyo. The two frequently travel to Japan even now. Aikins is responsible for image prepping and carving the blocks, and Rogers and completes the printing tasks.
Aikins’s work has been exhibited and is held in collections across North America, Europe, and Asia. She was made a member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts in 1990. Aikins and Rogers live and work in Nova Scotia, although they frequently travel.

Madison Duran ‘20
April 2019

“Suezan Aikins.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Apr. 2018,
“Suezan Aikins - On-Line Gallery.” Suezan Aikins - On-Line Gallery,