Artist Information

Kunihiro Amano

b. b. 1929
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Kunihiro Amano was born in 1929 in Hirosake, Aomori Prefecture. Amano attended Aomori Prefectural Technical School as well as Musashino University of Art, but taught himself woodblock printmaking; his first prints were exhibited in 1955 with the Japanese Print Association. In 1957, Amano exhibited at the Tokyo International Print Biennale, as well as in 1960, 1962, and 1964. In 1963, he participated in Ljubljana. Amano is a member of the Japanese Print Association as well as Kokuga-kei.

Throughout the course of his career, Amano’s abstracted, geometric, semi-sexual works have garnered critical acclaim and a multitude of awards. His art can be found in many major collections, such as the Washington Library of Congress, and has been exhibited internationally.

Madison Duran ‘20
April 2019

“Amano Kunihiro - Born 1929.” Artelino,
“Kunihiro Amano Biography.” Annex Galleries Fine Prints,