Artist Information

Karl Ouren

1882 - 1943

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Karl Peter Andreas Ouren was born in Halden, Norway, in 1882. He began studying art in Trondheim when he was eight years old. From 1900 until 1902, he studied art in Copenhagen, Denmark, at the Tekniske School. He moved to Chicago, Illinois, in 1902, and would remain there for the rest of his life, becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1927. Between 1911 and 1914, Ouren took a night class at the Art Institute of Chicago taught by Antonin Sterba; at this same time, he was a member of the Palette and Chisel Club in Chicago. He painted and decorated houses to supplement his income.

Ouren was best known for his Norwegian landscape scenes. His paintings were shown often throughout Chicago, especially by the Chicago Norske Klub, who held a memorial exhibition after his death in 1943.

Madison Duran ‘20
March 2019
Elliott, Kate. “Karl Peter Andreas Ouren.” Luther College, 27 Feb. 2018,